Tuesday 29 October 2013

Firelight and Glass

Although complaining about the weather is a national pass-time, I love the seasonality of the United Kingdom. I've been on a driving weekend to Edinburgh the weekend just past, and the beauty of the landscape in Scotland at this time of year is breathtaking. With the nights drawing in and the winds and rains blowing, it is the perfect time of year for snuggling down by the fire with a dram of whisky.

I have been having a great time trying to capture that feeling in our seasonal photography. We've had a lot of new glass items in, and I've been working on the use of firelight with and without some experimental flash techniques to see what effects I can get - under exposing and then filling back in with direct flash or just letting the firelight dance through the glass on a long exposure. Because I do a lot of my photography work from home, it has been a great excuse to spend some time and money improving odd corners of the house and really getting it ready for winter so, during those long cold nights, there will be nowhere I'd rather be.


These quirky geometric vases by House Doctor of Denmark look great with twigs from the garden in, or paint the twigs white and jazz up with decorations for Christmas

I love the combination of these fairy lights on the copper lidded box. Copper is such a warm and beautiful material, and it reflects the light magically here.

This House Doctor floor vase has been taken using a remote flash to illuminate the vase and twigs - an interesting effect and fun to try and set up.

Candle light - don't you just love it at this time of the year. The warm, natural glow looks great in this photo.

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